1. fda::CanadianWeather
    Canadian average annual weather cycle
  2. fda::MontrealTemp
    Montreal Daily Temperature
    matrix|34 x 365
  3. fda::ReginaPrecip
    Regina Daily Precipitation
  4. fda::daily
    Canadian average annual weather cycle
  5. fda::day.5
    Numeric and character vectors to facilitate working with dates
  6. fda::dayOfYear
    Numeric and character vectors to facilitate working with dates
  7. fda::dayOfYearShifted
    Numeric and character vectors to facilitate working with dates
  8. fda::daysPerMonth
    Numeric and character vectors to facilitate working with dates
  9. fda::gait
    Hip and knee angle while walking
  10. fda::growth
    Berkeley Growth Study data
  11. fda::handwrit
    Cursive handwriting samples
  12. fda::handwritTime
    Cursive handwriting samples
  13. fda::infantGrowth
    Tibia Length for One Baby
  14. fda::lip
    Lip motion
  15. fda::lipmarks
    Lip motion
  16. fda::liptime
    Lip motion
  17. fda::melanoma
    melanoma 1936-1972
  18. fda::monthBegin.5
    Numeric and character vectors to facilitate working with dates
  19. fda::monthEnd
    Numeric and character vectors to facilitate working with dates
  20. fda::monthEnd.5
    Numeric and character vectors to facilitate working with dates
  21. fda::monthLetters
    Numeric and character vectors to facilitate working with dates
  22. fda::monthMid
    Numeric and character vectors to facilitate working with dates
  23. fda::nondurables
    Nondurable goods index
  24. fda::pinch
    pinch force data
  25. fda::pinchraw
    pinch force data
  26. fda::pinchtime
    pinch force data
  27. fda::refinery
    Reflux and tray level in a refinery
  28. fda::seabird
    Sea Bird Counts
  29. fda::weeks
    Numeric and character vectors to facilitate working with dates
  30. SpatialfdaR::MeuseData
    Objects Defining Meuse River Mesh
  31. TestGardener::Quant_13B_problem_chcemat
    Test data for 24 math calculation questions from the SweSAT data.
    matrix|1000 x
  32. TestGardener::Quant_13B_problem_dataList
    List of objects essential for an analysis of the abbreviated SweSAT Quantitative multiple choice test.
  33. TestGardener::Quant_13B_problem_infoList
    Arclength or information parameter list for 24 items from the quantitative SweSAT subtest.
  34. TestGardener::Quant_13B_problem_key
    Option information for the short form of the SweSAT Quantitative test.
  35. TestGardener::Quant_13B_problem_parmList
    Parameter list for 24 items from the quantitative SweSAT subtest.