- fda::CanadianWeatherCanadian average annual weather cycle
- fda::MontrealTempMontreal Daily Temperature
- fda::ReginaPrecipRegina Daily Precipitation
- fda::dailyCanadian average annual weather cycle
- fda::day.5Numeric and character vectors to facilitate working with dates
- fda::dayOfYearNumeric and character vectors to facilitate working with dates
- fda::dayOfYearShiftedNumeric and character vectors to facilitate working with dates
- fda::daysPerMonthNumeric and character vectors to facilitate working with dates
- fda::gaitHip and knee angle while walking
- fda::growthBerkeley Growth Study data
- fda::handwritCursive handwriting samples
- fda::handwritTimeCursive handwriting samples
- fda::infantGrowthTibia Length for One Baby
- fda::lipLip motion
- fda::lipmarksLip motion
- fda::liptimeLip motion
- fda::melanomamelanoma 1936-1972
- fda::monthBegin.5Numeric and character vectors to facilitate working with dates
- fda::monthEndNumeric and character vectors to facilitate working with dates
- fda::monthEnd.5Numeric and character vectors to facilitate working with dates
- fda::monthLettersNumeric and character vectors to facilitate working with dates
- fda::monthMidNumeric and character vectors to facilitate working with dates
- fda::nondurablesNondurable goods index
- fda::pinchpinch force data
- fda::pinchrawpinch force data
- fda::pinchtimepinch force data
- fda::refineryReflux and tray level in a refinery
- fda::seabirdSea Bird Counts
- fda::weeksNumeric and character vectors to facilitate working with dates
- SpatialfdaR::MeuseDataObjects Defining Meuse River Mesh
- TestGardener::Quant_13B_problem_chcematTest data for 24 math calculation questions from the SweSAT data.
- TestGardener::Quant_13B_problem_dataListList of objects essential for an analysis of the abbreviated SweSAT Quantitative multiple choice test.
- TestGardener::Quant_13B_problem_infoListArclength or information parameter list for 24 items from the quantitative SweSAT subtest.
- TestGardener::Quant_13B_problem_keyOption information for the short form of the SweSAT Quantitative test.
- TestGardener::Quant_13B_problem_parmListParameter list for 24 items from the quantitative SweSAT subtest.