#> Loading required package: fda
#> Loading required package: splines
#> Loading required package: fds
#> Loading required package: rainbow
#> Loading required package: MASS
#> Loading required package: pcaPP
#> Loading required package: RCurl
#> Loading required package: deSolve
#> Attaching package: 'fda'
#> The following object is masked from 'package:graphics':
#> matplot
#> Loading required package: rgl
#> Loading required package: geometry
The Meuse data analyzed in this vignette are locations along the bank of the river Meuse in Belgium where the amount of zinc in the soil was recorded. The river loops sharply in this location, and the soil pollution by heavy metals used in nearby industry was of concern.
The list object MeuseData.rda
contains the locations of
soil samples, and these are also used as nodes in the mesh that will
define the estimated surface displaying soil pollution. The mesh was
built by using Delaunay mesh generation software, such as R functions
or RTriangle::triangulate
It should be appreciated that Delaunay meshes are often not unique.
The Delaunay mesh generated a number of triangles that were outside of the desired boundary because of the non-convexity of this boundary. These triangles were removed by hand to define the final mesh. The 155 points, the 52 edges and the 257 triangles are retrieved as follows:
p <- MeuseData$pts
e <- MeuseData$edg
t <- MeuseData$tri
np <- dim(p)[[1]]
ne <- dim(e)[[1]]
nt <- dim(t)[[1]]
covdata <- MeuseData$covdata
The edge data are not needed in this analysis.
The mesh is displayed by
The river flows above the mesh from the upper right to the lower left,
then around the sharp curve, and out below abnd beyond the projecting
portion of the mesh.
The data used to define the surface is the log of the zinc level, and
preliminary plots indicated that this variable was strongly correlated
with the shorted distance from the river bank. The first variable is
treated in the analysis as what is to be fit by the surface, and
distance was treated as a covariate that provides further information
about the estimated height of the log-zinc surface. These data are in
the two-column matrix MeuseData$covdata
, with distance in
the first column and zinc level in the second.
data <- matrix(0,nrow=np,ncol=2)
data[,1] <- covdata[,1]
data[,2] <- log(covdata[,2])
Dist <- as.matrix(covdata[,1])
Zinc <- as.matrix(log(covdata[,2]))
LogZinc <- log10(Zinc)
We can conduct a preliminary assessment of the log-zinc/distance covariation using
lsList <- lsfit(Dist, LogZinc)
print(paste("Regression coefficient =",round(lsList$coef[1],2)))
#> [1] "Regression coefficient = 0.81"
print(paste("Intercept =",round(lsList$coef[2],2)))
#> [1] "Intercept = -0.2"
and displayed by
plot(Dist, LogZinc, type="p", xlim=c(0,0.9), ylim=c(0.65, 0.90),
xlab = "Distance from shore",
ylab = "Log10 Zinc Concentration")
abline(lsList$int, lsList$coef)
The first step in our surface estimation process is to define an FEM basis by using the “pet” architecture of the mesh as arguments:
A hazard when the observations are all at the nodes is that the
linear equation that must be solved in smoothing function cannot be
solved because the left side is not of full rank. A simple way around
that is to impose some penalty on the roughness of the solution by
setting roughness penalty lambda
to a positive value. Here
is the command that produces a nice smooth surface by using
lambda = 1e-4
smoothList <- smooth.FEM.basis(p, LogZinc, MeuseBasis, lambda=1e-4, covariates=Dist)
LogZincfd <- smoothList$fd
df <- smoothList$df
gcv <- smoothList$gcv
beta <- as.numeric(smoothList$beta)
SSE <- smoothList$SSE
The following commands plot the fitted surface by using the powerful
graphics capabilities of the rgl
Xgrid <- seq(-2.2, 2.2, len=21)
Ygrid <- seq(-2.2, 2.2, len=21)
op <- par(no.readonly=TRUE)
plotFEM.fd(LogZincfd, Xgrid, Ygrid,
xlab="Latitude", ylab="Longitude", zlab="log10 Zinc Concentration")
The coefficient for the covariate Dist
is 1.83 and error
sum of squares is 49.9. We can rerun the analysis without the
contribution from Dist
Now we get the error sum of squares 59.8. The squared multiple
correlation coefficient is
R^2 = (59.8 - 49.9)/58.8 = 0.165
, which indicates a
relatively uninteresting contribution of the Dist
to the fit to the data.
There are many ways to improve this analysis. The mesh has a lot of
small triangles due to a large number of sampling positions in the lower
left corner of the mesh. We can leave the nodes in as locations of the
data, and replace p
in the argument by loc
which is identical to p
. Then we might then remove a number
of nodes in this densely sampled area so that the triangles that are
defined have roughly the same areas as those elsewhere in the mesh. The
number of rows i p
will decrease, and we will rebuild the
FEM basis using the create.FEM.basis
function. This will
define a smooth surface using smaller values of lambda
In any case, the triangles needn’t be as small they are in this analysis for the purposes of examining the variation in the zinc deposits. Reducing the mesh density is a good way to go.